
Showing posts from March, 2016

The Versatile Blogger's Award, Part Two- My Recommendations

Now, last but not least, I'm sharing links to fifteen blogs that I highly recommend. (My list is quite varied in topics and writing styles). Paying it forward is one of the VBA rules, but I'd be proud to share these blogs anyway. These writers deserve more than a pretty green seal of approval- their work deserves to be read! You can find out more about the Versatile Blogger's Award here: Jovanhanna is a life strategist and mom with an amazing story. She's the founder of Positive Forward Movement. Mz G is a writer, artist. musician and more. Her inspiring blog encourages women over fifty to "live an electrifying second half". Harley King's Monday Morning Motivation will be valuable for your life every day, not just on Mondays! Noreen invites her readers to join her and her hubby on th

The Versatile Blogger's Award (Part One)

Hello! I have news to share! And links to wonderful blogs! And some facts about me that you might not know! The news is that I was honored to receive The Versatile Blogger's Award from  +Robert Fuller . He told me that he found my writing style engaging. Wow, that made my day! Mr. Fuller is a social media marketing strategist. He has an amazing life story and a very thoughtful blog. In fact it's called Thoughtful Talk Blog.  His writing is so motivational and its focus is to help people make positive changes in every aspect of their lives! One of  the VBA rules is that the recipient shares seven things about herself (or himself). Alrighty then, here is some Di trivia for you! 1. I've been married for over 30 years. Yes, I'm kind of old. He's even older! Ha. 2. I grew up in Roswell, New Mexico. Maybe I should get a different award: the Very Bizarre Alien! 3. I have two adult kids, a son and a daughter. (I'm a

My Inner Lion

I need to get in touch with my inner lion. I think I located my inner owl a few days ago. No, this isn't about animal spirit guides. I've just been lacking courage and even wisdom at times, regarding my writing. The past couple of weeks have been rough for several reasons. During that time, I posted a story that was important to me. A couple of days later, I re-read it. I saw so many mistakes! Not typos. I mean entire paragraphs that were out of order, wrong wording, etc. I realized that I'd foolishly rushed the editing process to stay on my posting-once-a-week schedule. I reworked the story and posted a better version of it, but that didn't stop my confidence from taking a nosedive. I came very close to deleting my entire blog. While I was in the midst of my writer's despair, two people on two different sites praised my stories and writing style. So unexpected and very timely! I used the word despair, not because I'm being a drama queen, but

Moments in Time (Healing from Loss)

Have you ever been in a potato relay race? The participants have to carry a potato from point A to point B, between their knees. Sounds awkward, doesn't it? Believe me, it looks even more awkward than it sounds...people trying to run with a tater positioned there, without dropping it. HA! That's what makes it soooo funny! The potato relay race became a tradition at our birthday parties when I was growing up. I say "our" parties, I mean my younger brother's and mine. I was born on February 19 and Darrell's birthday was February 28, three years later. Since the dates were so close together, and we had mutual friends, our parents would usually have one party for both of us. Our birth dates just passed recently. I've been thinking about those fun parties, that goofy race we always had, and many other smile-worthy times that we shared. Birthdays are meant to celebrate a person's life, right? So I did that this year for my bub and as a birthd