Things that go Bump in the Night
Hey! Who enjoys watching funny sitcoms? I sure do.
I have another question. Who will admit to having moments in life that are scenes from funny sitcoms?
I sure will!
Laughter is great medicine. It can relieve stress and help you forget your troubles temporarily.
My life has been in transition. Not only did my husband and I move three months ago, but we've been tackling some stressful marriage issues, among other things.
My last post here was seven weeks ago. I can't continue calling myself a blogger if I don't post stories regularly. So now I'm back after a long break- this time with one of my titillating tattling stories. Okay, at least tattling.
About a month ago, Hubby and I were awakened by a horrid, piercing, siren-type sound in the wee hours of the morning. It was a smoke detector! But we hadn't put any up yet (bad, I know). We were running around in a panicky daze, looking and smelling for smoke. None. Then I knew we had to find the box of smoke detectors we'd taken down at the previous house.
He grabbed a mini-flashlight and was frantically rummaging around the kitchen and dining room, trying to follow the sound.
I turned on the dining room light. My husband immediately ducked down and said "Turn it off! The neighbors can see!" (Yes, he was in his birthday suit.) I yelled "They aren't going to be looking out their window at two a.m.!"
"They might!" he exclaimed. "The sound probably woke them up already!"
I was fairly certain I knew where the old detectors were. I wanted to turn the light back on to look for them. "I really don't care if anyone sees me!" I sassed, in my scantily-clad, frazzled condition.
I found the elusive box. He grabbed it and took it to the kitchen where he could hide from the windows.
"OH MAKE IT STOP!!" I screamed.
He located the guilty device with the malfunctioning battery. It took him several attempts to disconnect it. Whew, finally!
The positive thing about that adrenaline-boosting, five minute fiasco is that we were both laughing about it before we went back to bed. A funny memory was made for us during a particularly difficult time.
It was a good reminder, I think, to lighten up and allow ourselves a break from the heavy stuff for awhile. We both needed that.
Several of my friends are very private people and would never talk of their personal lives publicly. I also know friends who tell all kinds of details about almost anything.
My stories usually fall somewhere between the two extremes.
I'm a writer. I write about what I'm learning from my life experiences. I'm honest, but without airing dirty laundry.
I'm not ashamed to say that my husband (of more than thirty years) and I have been struggling individually and as a couple. I mean, what relationship doesn't go through troubled waters? It's part of life.
The crazy, embarrassing, sitcom scenes are part of life too. So "Carpe' Diem", as I often say! Or seize the awkward humor of the moment if you possibly can.
Oh! I almost forgot to tell you what goes bump in the night.
I do!
Or I did, about a week after the smoke detector episode.
There were no siren-type sounds that time, and thankfully no real sirens either.
I was very fortunate, considering that I fell out of bed onto the hardwood floor. Yep. Right on my face.
I didn't get a concussion, just a black eye and a bruised upper lip area.
As it was healing, the upper lip bruise started looking like a little mustache on the right side.
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